Saturday 26 November 2011



I have had many weird adventures, allot of them involve my darling sister Miss Isla Louise. I have had many friends in my life that have  come and gone, or too see at a later stage in my life,when  we connect again, BUT with a sister you never seem to lose that connection.

Isla is one of those people that you can truly be happy to say you have known, she lights up a room with her presence she is not a huge personality but once you get to know her she is witty and has an infectious laugh, that you find yourself laughing away too.

I have  never in my life met someone who is so passionate about food in my life, from " Bill Granger's inspired scramble recipes to a bit of Nigella  Lawson in the evening". Isla lives to cook and her presentation of her food is so eye catching you feel like your in a dream, allot of her food is her creation.

Isla can make you something as simple as a burger and make it five star, I've gone  out to restaurants and felt  disappointed by the food because i live in a five star home, with every meal she puts her whole heart into it and its not fattening its all healthy organic food.

I recently discovered that I am gluten in tolerant and hypoglycemic which rules out so much food, but she makes a plan and makes it specially for me; pastas that you would die for and pay R 200 a plate easily. I have the pleasure to live with someone who inspires me every day to find a dream because she has found hers, she wakes up every morning and till evening she is cooking and has a smile on her face.

She is like a sunflower that just brightness up a dinner table ,because she gives that much more to make the dinner you are eating delightful.

We travelled Australia together finding restaurants and having some fun experience, eating out and enjoying a bit of vino ( more isla she has a great pallet for putting wines together with food)

Isla is also a journalist, and hope she  will write for a food magazine one day because they need someone like her to inspire up and coming chefs, her words flow so well. She is very passionate about being a south African, and believes that everyone is equal and she will not hide her knowledge for politics, which she is very clued up on.

There are so many things i can tell you about Isla Louise, she is beautiful and loving and I'm so honoured every day to call her my sister.

Go try some of her pastries at the farmers market, take a bit of her inspiration with you and spread the love she bakes in the kitchen, because i know your day will  be just that much better.

love to all xxxxx

Sunday 20 November 2011

paranoid adventures

SO OH MY  FREAKING GEORGE MICHAEL, I am probably one of the most over thinkers on this planet ,okay close,some people have weirder problems like being boring and an obsession with structural behaviour which makes me so uncomfortable that I just want to run around naked saying "I'm free I'm free!". I am so paranoid of becoming them ( The perfect person or so they like to think makes me so uncomfortable, don't you ever just want to say something to break the ice and bring them to your side, but that doesn't ever happen. NO,singing on a microphone and saying get the party started and being hushed by a 20 year old for being to out there ( seriously? mmmmm)
These are a few other things that fuel my paranoia:

  • Parking my car, I'm always paranoid when I'm reversing .It's like all of a sudden you've knocked over someone and then someone has a heart attack next to you, followed by a baby ( which so would be twins), then Nelson Mandela would come out and say something deep and meaningful and there be a orchestra of music around you to make impact on how badly you reversed outside your parking, man parking is hectic.

  • Serious board meetings, when everyone has to be so serious,but have you ever looked at people trying to stay awake and watch them falling asleep, it truly is one of the funniest things to watch, except when you turn them into animals and animate them with funny British accents sniffing each other, then you paranoid that you are going to start laughing so you clench your jaw, have some water and then start chocking on the water. Man I'm paranoid of meetings.

  • Meeting people for the first time man that's the worst. Going to a party and a few people know each other and you kinda sit there should you grab a drink or water, should you eat the snacks, play with your blackberry ( Are you playing with your blackberry too much?), how many times can you honestly pee to distract yourself, do these people think you have an excess urine problem. Exchanging details IE "Hi I'm Sam, you say I'm Emma and the question is what do you do? Is this a career or a lifestyle do you make a bit of a joke about your career or do you going in with the serious board meeting approach.?

Stay tuned for more paranoid events I find myself in. This is nothing, I will let you know of the encounters I have ( there is no cure for this, my TWO therapists have tried to find it.You're wondering why I have two therapists? Simply for the pure fact that I don't want them to think that I am paranoid! Don't judge me, please ( You are aren't you? nervous chuckle)  
 I hope you all know this is done in a funny way and i am a funny person I'm sure.... heehee.